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New regulations on dot cn domain names registration: now available only for companies

December 17th, 2009 shadmin

We have been informed by our dot cn registrar of new regulations issued by the CNNIC (the organization in charge of the management of the dot cn registry). The new regulations do not affect domain names registered prior to this announcement.

In brief, first dot cn domain names (which include .cn, ,,, as well as regional extensions such as ,, etc.) will now be available for registration only for registered companies (Chinese or foreign). Second, upon registration, the applicant need to file and send through the registrar a paper application, and join to this application a copy of his business license and a copy of his ID (ID card for Chinese nationals and passport for foreigners). The paper application needs to bear the official seal of the applying company.

For more details on these new rules, please check this link on the CNNIC official website.

Considering that the new regulations increase the work load to process a dot cn registration, we have decided to increase the registration price by RMB50, to RMB125/year. They will still be included for free though with our web hosting packages.

Billing system upgraded, .cn bug fixed!

October 5th, 2008 shadmin

As some of you are aware, our billing system couldn’t allow the registration of dot cn domains (clients had to choose “I want to transfer my domain to” instead even if the domain was not registered yet). We have recently upgraded the billing software to the latest version and the bug has been fixed now.
We have also added the option to register dot asia domains from the system. The cost is RMB200/Year.