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Overview of SinoHosting international hosting plans

August 5th, 2014 shadmin

While being based in China and serving mostly an audience within the greater China region, it is easy to forget that SinoHosting is a true international web hosting company with multiple overseas locations. We will introduce here our hosting locations overseas with a focus on shared hosting only.

1) Hong Kong
While being technically part of China, Hong Kong is not within the great firewall of China and as such we classify it within our international web hosting locations. Hong Kong is by far our most popular location, due to the combination of closer distance from China (and thus faster loading time), and the non-requirement of an ICP license (as compared to mainland China hosting). Over 60% of our shared hosting clients are hosted on our Hong Kong servers. Hong Kong is particularly recommended for clients targeting users in the southern part of China (including Shenzhen, Guangzhou and the rest of Guangdong province)

2) Taiwan
Despite being close of mainland China, Taiwan does not seem to be a very popular location, as less than 5% of our clients use it. It is however a very strong alternative to Hong Kong, boosting faster speed in some cases from eastern China (Fujian province, Zhejiang, Shanghai etc.).

3) South Korea
South Korea is one of our newest locations. It is considered the best locations for companies without a China presence which are targeting customers physically located in Beijing and Northern China. South Korea also benefits from a very fast local bandwidth, one of the fastest in the world, as well as a very stable international bandwidth.

4) Singapore
Singapore is our second most popular international location. It is the internet hub of the South East Asian region. We maintain our Singapore servers with Softlayer which is a first-tier datacenter provider worldwide. Singapore hosting also has decent connection speeds to mainland China.

5) United States
The US is our most popular non-Asian location. It is primarily used by our Chinese clients with websites targeting overseas clients, including international trading companies, manufacturers, global service providers etc. We have three server locations in the US: Los Angeles (California), Dallas (Texas) and Miami (Florida). Therefore, whether you are looking for west coast, central or east coast hosting in the US, you are covered with SinoHosting.

6) Europe
SinoHosting offers two hosting locations in Europe, namely in London (United Kingdom) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands). It is a very niche hosting selected by a limited number of clients. Access speed from mainland China is the slowest among all our international locations, therefore it is not recommended if this is for a website targeting the Chiense audience.

We hope the above overview has given you a better picture of SinoHosting international hosting plans. Regardless of the location, we have three specific cPanel shared hosting plans (Basic, Business and Corporate). You can learn more about each hosting plan at and select the one more suitable for your requirements

Korea Web Hosting now offered by

March 18th, 2013 shadmin

SinoHosting is happy to announce the addition of a new location to its international web hosting services. Indeed, starting immediately, we are offering Korea-based web hosting services. The infrastructure (Linux/cPanel) and service plans are the same as our international hosting plans in Hong Kong, Singapore, the US and Europe.

Hosting in Korea is suitable for site owners who are targeting users in Beijing, Tianjin, and the North East of China: Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin, even down to Shandong). Ping time from Korea is faster than Hong Kong for computers accessing from these regions.

SinoHosting servers are colocated in a first tier datacenter in Seoul, South Korea. Our Korean hosting services are currently limited to shared hosting, as such we are unable to provide VPS or dedicated servers in Korea.

As always, SinoHosting is a pioneer in being the first international host in China to offer web hosting services on Korean servers.

To sign up for this service, please go to our international hosting page.

The Management